

Individual Membership

1 October to 30 September

An individual who wishes to paddle at the venue

Includes individual paddlers who do not reside in Hawkes Bay but wish to train when in Hawkes Bay for extended periods (eg University Students, Overseas visitors).

CPHB Membership $35 per annum

Training fee $100 per annum

Access by Fob - $30 one-off rental fee.

CPHB National League Team

Needs to hold an Individual Membership as above.

NZCPA Affiliation fee.  Competition Costs.

No charge for the team to train and they have priority booking.

HB National League Competition Fee $50

NZCPA Affiliation fee

$35 Adult.  $25 Secondary School Student

Costs as determined per competition e.g. Accommodation, Van Hire and Fuel, Food.

Access by Fob

Hawke’s Bay Schools

Schools based in Hawke’s Bay - this cost is separate to any players who may hold an Individual Membership.

$30 per hour per court or $100 per player per year

Access by FOB or code

Other Organisations, Schools & Clubs

For any organisation, school or club wishing to use the venue who are not a HB School or affiliated to Hawke’s Bay Canoe Polo.

$50 per hour per court

Access by code

Casual Paddler

An individual who wishes to paddle at the venue with current members, but who may only do so a few times a year.

$10 per day

Access may be via a member Fob however the paddler must be named in the booking. 

If the individual does not have an account with CPHB then the $10 will be invoiced to the individual who has booked the court.